That was the stomach wrenching feeling that I had last night when I realised that I had become so caught up in life that I hadn't written a blog post in months! For that, I give myself a slap on the wrist and award for the Worst Blogger of 2011.
So a quick update on Piccaninny Rugs...

I took a well needed break from markets over winter to collect my thoughts, re-energise and refocus. I looked at my options for exploring other markets and have a clearer idea of where I want to be seen and the best times of the year to participate.
My problem was that people have been associating my product with nice sunny days spent outside rather than the multipurpose product that my rugs are! It was time for a little bit of a tweak to my marketing strategy... Winter was the time to focus on using my rugs indoors on those cold tiles and hard wood floors. The rubber lined backing is perfect as an insulator, not only as a water resistant layer, and the padding softens the impact when littlies topple over. I won't say that I achieved immediate results, but things have been slowly on the improve.

Winter also meant I had to be more inventive when it can to entertaining the little monster. Flicking through pattern books at my local haberdasher, I spotted the perfect imaginative play item - a Tee Pee! I bought the pattern, a roll of calico and, after a few hiccups, had a gorgeous Tee Pee set up in the family room a day or so later. The monster loves using it as a garage for his bikes and cars and daddy likes using it as a hiding place from where he can jump out and scare people! Unfortunately due to the cost and amount of fabric that goes into making a Tee Pee, I don't stock them for markets, but take my sons along and am happy to take orders. They are currently recommended as an inside only item but I'm hoping to add some vinyl around the bottom to protect the fabric from dirt so it can be taken outside.
My next new item is currently in production, and as much as I would like to reveal what it is here, I can't... Or won't... All I will say is that I ordered some hardware (yes, you read that correctly) and hopefully it will arrive during the week and I can unveil the surprise really soon. It's nothing groundbreakingly new and I haven't invented the wheel but it is a Piccaninny Rug take on something my brother had as a kid, super cute and very handy addition to any toy box.
My next adventure is my debut at Craft Markets Australia's Hanging Rock and Weribee Park markets in October and November and my very excited involvement in the establishment of Huckleberry Market a new and fabulous market in Melbourne showcasing the best of boutique and handmade items for babies and kids.
So there you have it, the trials and tribulations of Piccaninny Rugs! I'm back on track and ready for the really busy Spring and Summer market season...