So I faxed my Business Name Registration off on Tuesday and today received a letter saying 'sorry, it's too close to another business name'. The good news is that the turn around for the application was really quick but I'm pretty shattered as I was really hoping to have my business trading under that name. Looks like I'll have to go about things in a slightly more abstract fashion...
The rugs will still be called a Piccaninny Rug, but my business trading name will have to be something different.
I'm really glad that I got the letter today after a good day with my son yesterday and a day at work today. I'm not sure how I would have handled the news in the sleep deprived, stressed out state I was in on Sunday and Monday!
In other news, a good friend of mine has placed a bumper order of 3 rugs (one by next weekend - eek!), I have 1 to make for another friend, my hairdresser is wanting one before Christmas (and another for a birthday present in January) and I somehow need to find the time to get a stash of stock together in anticipation of a market.
I'm going to be one busy little bunny! I may have to take some holidays from work so I can sew while Darling Hubby is looking after Darling Son...
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