I thought that at this point in the development of my 'little biz' it might be a good time to publicly acknowledge the people who have been supporting me so far in my journey to become a mumtrepreneur...
Firstly, the BubHub girls who have been so encouraging in their support and advice. Especially during the debacle that was 'Moderator Gate' and things got really tough...
Coglibear, for ordering the first ever rug made for someone other than my son;
MagicGirl, Kaceemaree and Mrs Walrus who quickly followed and have been enjoying their rugs for quite some time now. (and Kaceemaree for wanting another rug in the New Year!).
Nic and Sam from Sugar Plum Tree who have been consistently giving Piccaninny Rugs a spot on their Tagging Tuesday posts.
Build a Little Biz (on FaceBook) for having the answers to the kinds of questions that a newbie like me needs...
Good friend and amateur public relations extraordinaire, Mardi, for being arguably my best customer. I gave her a rug to celebrate the birth of her son, Phoenix and since then she's ordered no less than 4 rugs!
Darling Hubby, Jason, who insists that I get back into what has been affectionately termed "The Sweat Shop". He also manages to keep Darling Son, Will occupied while I sit for hours at the sewing machine.
I know I've probably forgotten people, if I have, please don't hesitate to remind me by commenting on this post... my omission of your role in the development of Piccaninny Rugs wouldn't be deliberate, just fuelled by a long night last night with VERY interrupted sleep!
We're on the home stretch to the market with only 13 days to go! I have 3 custom rugs to make and another 5+ to get done for the market. At the current rate, I might just get them done if Darling Son allows it!
Wish me luck!
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