Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Apart from the usual aches and pains that I always have (thanks to carrying around a grizzling baby for much of the day), I can now add a workplace injury to the list.

I sewed my finger today! 


I refuse, however, to take the entire blame for said event.  I would like to attribute some of the responsibility to my Darling Son who has an ongoing love affair with the foot peddle of my sewing machine (which I may have mentioned in previous posts). 

Mid-seam, Darling Son decided to pay my foot a visit, pressing rather firmly and making the sewing machine take off faster than I would usually be operating it.  In an attempt to extricate my foot (and peddle) from the iron-like grip of my son, I moved my hand and inadvertently put my middle finger on the left hand in the line of fire.  Several needle punctures later and I have a nice jagged cut long the top of said finger.

I would like to take the opportunity to say that sewing one's finger hurts like hell!

I had previously scoffed at hearing of people with sewing machine related injuries, my mind boggling at how a person could allow their phalanges to cross the path of a rapidly moving, sharp metal object.  How the mighty have fallen...

I must soldier on as I have 3 rugs to make for one customer and more stock to finish off for the fast approaching market debut of Piccaninny Rugs!

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